FabSpeed’s Bricology range of products are designed to create non-invasive, sustainable, safe havens for an array of species to reduce the risk of predation and the protection of larvae or nests. Britain’s nature loss and decline in native wildlife habitats require innovative products to be produced to enhance biodiversity and support Net Gain principles across our built environment. The Bricology range is the perfect solution that can either be used retrospectively using any manufacturer’s products and prefabricated by the skilled FabSpeed team or for new developments using the versatile core product range from the Michelmersh Group to design-in that biodiverse plan from the start of your project.

Bricology Bird Starling Box
Most famed for its stunning murmuration displays, the Starling despite being common throughout the UK, the population has declined dramatically since the 1980s and is therefore a Red List bird of high conservation concern.
FabSpeed’s Bird Starling Box is specifically designed to provide a safe and secure nesting site. At three brick courses high and with an appropriately sized entrance aperture, these products provide a comfortable habitat to support the protection of Starlings. They can be faced with almost any variety of clay brick products to harmonize with your existing brick facade or planned development. Furthermore, observing the birds building their nests between April to August, caring for their young, and interacting with other wildlife can be an engaging and educational experience.
Bricology Bat Box
Bats are the only true flying mammal with four of the UK’s seventeen breeding bat species red-listed as at risk of extinction. The FabSpeed Bat Box encourages bats and people to thrive together, enhancing the availability of safe spaces for hibernation or maternity roosting for Bats amongst our built environments.
By incorporating FabSpeed’s five brick course high Bat Box into your development or design, you can provide a safe, secure and permanent roosting space for bats with little maintenance and good thermal properties. Our integrated Bat Boxes can be faced with an array of facing bricks to fit in seamlessly with your design or existing home whilst also satisfying conservation obligations.
Integrating bat boxes into new construction projects or retrospectively placing them in your walls is an effective way to support the conservation of native bat species in the UK. The positioning of Bat Boxes is critical and we suggest you contact an ecological specialist for advice.

Bricology Bird Sparrow Box
UK sparrow numbers were not monitored adequately before the mid-1970s. However, since then, numbers in rural England have nearly halved while numbers in towns and cities have declined by sixty percent. Because of these large population declines, the house sparrow is now red-listed as a species of high conservation concern.
Including a Bricology Sparrow Box in your residential setting is a great way to help ensure their future survival whilst also supporting the biodiversity in your local ecosystem. Each Box is cleverly constructed from two courses high of brickwork and features an aperture for access, giving a suitably sized nesting space behind the brick face which can be subtly matched within your existing façade.
These boxes should be installed preferably two to four meters above ground and with a clear flight path to the nest. House sparrows will also nest in boxes that are located high up in a house wall, near the underside of the eaves, however, they should be installed away from areas where house martins usually nest.
Bricology Bee Brick
An overall loss in the diversity of flowering plants, along with habitat fragmentation has impacted bee populations dramatically over recent years. On average the geographic range of bees and hoverfly species has declined by a quarter and it is critical that we all encourage the expansion of safe habitats and flourishing fauna to protect this species critical to the natural world.
FabSpeed’s Bee Brick is designed for the nesting of solitary bees, reducing the risk of predation and protecting of larvae. Constructed from a variety of clay-facing bricks and featuring various diameter aperture access holes the Bee Brick can accommodate a diverse array of Bee species within the singular brick unit. Recommended to be installed between 1-5m in height and ideally on south to south-easterly facing facades, whilst being near an abundance of plant life suitable for pollinators.
Including FabSpeed Bee Bricks in your development or retrospectively into your home is an environmentally friendly and practical way to support pollinators, promote biodiversity, and contribute to a healthier and more sustainable ecosystem. FabSpeed can use an array of manufacturer’s clay bricks to seamlessly integrate into a wide variety of building vernacular, using the Michelmersh Group core range of products will provide natural, sustainable materials to harmonise the Bee Brick into your design.

Positioning and installation of the above products are critical to the protection of each of the named species. The Michelmersh Group advises you to contact your local wildlife trust if you have any queries in relation to their current conservation risk rating in your area, their recommended habitats, your local conservation requirements or the species’ wellbeing.
The FabSpeed team would be happy to talk through your requirements and to establish if sourcing products for retrospective installations is possible for your project.
For more information on our Bricology range of products and to discuss your project requirements, please email

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